Sony (NYSE: SNE ) cannot be a very happy company right now. In fact their recent signing of a peace treaty with George Hotz is starting to look like total capitulation. The latest news out of Finland states:
Consumer Complaints Board noted that the Linux support for removal of weakened console features so that the consumer was entitled to a price reduction. The Board recommended the seller and the manufacturer to the consumer to pay, jointly and severally hundred Euros a price reduction.
This is from a Google translation of a Finnish news article. The Google translation is here, the Finnish original is here. If Linus Torvalds reads SemiAccurate and is willing to give us a more accurate translation, we would happily accept.
While the Consumer Complaints Board apparently has no legal ability to enforce it’s rulings, they are considered authoritative in a Finnish court of law. This could be trouble for Sony in North America, where it is fighting a Class Action lawsuit. United States law allows the introduction of rulings from other countries, where the case subject matter is applicable. If the Class Action attorney attempts to introduce this information as evidence, Sony’s lawyers will attempt to block its introduction. Then the judge will have to rule on admissibility, which will make for some interesting court theater.
Too bad Groklaw won’t be around to comment on the action.S|A
Wayne Borean
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